Title of Event: Krystal Rodriguez and Jefreid Lotti Lecture
Date and Time of Event: April 3rd 2023 at 5:00 pm
Location of Event: Holmes Auditorium
1. Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event you attended:
Rodriguez and Lotti gave a 45 minute lecture followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. The lecture detailed the work they have done, as well as the work they are currently working on while they have been at Bucknell. They detailed their individual experiences growing up surrounding their Cuban heritage and how it has influenced the artwork they make. The discussed how they met each other, and how living together has shaped the work they create. The art they are currently making at Bucknell is called “Convivir” which means “cohabitation” and it is a collection of artwork they have made together. The two artists used a presentation to show their work and they would provide detailed explanations on each of them.
2. Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your personal critical insight / response to the event. How did you interpret or react to what was presented to you?
I enjoyed the detail that each of them went into for each of their artworks. I enjoyed Rodriguez’s artwork less because they all seemed too similar to me, and they meaning behind the artwork was too straight-forward and there was almost no interpretation for the viewer to make. Lotti’s artwork on the other hand impressed me a lot. The different pieces he made were visually appealing and they way he structured his artwork was full of color and definition, with very small details that allowed a wide range of interpretation. Lotti’s way of creating artwork from seemingly mundane objects or ideas was interesting, and his work elicits a very visceral response from viewers. Overall Lotti was able to execute his vision of creating art of unknown phenomena very well.
3.) What information, ideas, images, etc. most impressed you and why?
Lotti’s series of works titled “Bus Sweat and Tears” was very interesting to me. He was able to depict a bus in a very grim and tormented way that spoke well to the way that people would have actually felt while taking that public transport system. His works titled “Efichensi” also managed to convey the chaos of the way some lower income live and it is able to depict the feelings and emotions of an almost unknown world very well. His works titled “Essential Work” were my favorite. The depiction of workshop would seem unimportant but he does it with a creativity and in such detail that there is so much meaning and effort that I could draw from the art that I could feel the work that was done in those areas. The way that these artworks are also displayed in the workshop makes it even more interesting because it is a very unusual place to place artwork, but it seems to fit with the theme of that art perfectly.
4. Overall, how would you rate this event (10 being the most worthwhile)?
5. Justify your rating in the question above:
I thought that both Lotti and Rodriguez could have improved their presentation skills, and I thought that Rodriguez work was not as interesting as Lotti’s, but the enjoyment I had from viewing Lotti’s work is what mainly contributes to the overall positive score.