Title of Event: Anthony Cervino, Six Second Delay
Date and time of event: Thursday January 26 5:00 pm
Location of Event: Holmes Auditorium
Type of Event: Guest Artist Lecture
1.) Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event you attended.
Anthony Cervino gave an hour long lecture followed by ten minutes of questioning and a viewing of his exhibit. During the lecture he switched between reading from text and speaking freely about his childhood experiences and how that connects to some of his art pieces. His presentation displayed many photos of his artwork, what they reference/took inspiration from, and his work spaces.
2.) Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your personal critical insight / response to the event. How did you interpret or react to what was presented to you?
It was intriguing to see many different art works and the thought process behind some of the pieces, especially those manipulated from old knick knacks and household items. They gave off a feeling of nostalgia mixed with something new since they’re mixed with something else, similar to creating a hybrid of items. I also really enjoyed the part about radios and understanding the meaning behind the title “Six Second Delay”. I knew about the reason for the lag but had not thought about how it subtly alters the reality of the listeners without them realizing. It’s a thoughtful insight that provided good context for some of the art pieces shown in his exhibit.
3.) What information, ideas, images, etc. most impressed you and why?
I was most impressed by his connection to radios and telling both personal and historical stories that relate to his interest in radios.
4.) Overall, how would you rate this event on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the most worthwhile)?
5.) Justify your rating in the question above:
The lecture was interesting and engaging when talking about the art pieces and some personal stories, especially those relating to his interest in radios. There are some points where it felt he was speaking tangentially to the presentation but it was still interesting.