Sophia Martinez-Research Step 1, 2, and 3 Project 5

Research Step 1: 

Five dangers you’d like to protect yourself from  

-Heatwaves/Extreme global warming 

-Embarrassment (maybe mind erasing abilities)

-Impact(driving or falling)


-Natural disasters (tornado, hurricane, tsunami) 

Five ways you’d like to extend the capabilities of your body 

-Increased breathing capacity/ more oxygen (could also work for underwater breathing)

-Temperature control of your body 

-AI integrated into yourself


-The ability to fly 

For my project, I chose to focus on a device that enhances breathing capacity and provides increased oxygen availability. I selected this concept because it is a realistic piece of equipment with versatile applications that can benefit a wide range of individuals. My initial inspiration was for its use in extreme sports such as mountain biking, skiing, and more. Enhanced oxygen with these activities could improve performance and endurance. The design will take the form of a helmet with integrated eye and head protection, providing functionality and even additional protection these sports require.

Beyond extreme sports, this concept could also be valuable for other athletic activities, like football, or even for medical purposes, assisting individuals who require supplemental oxygen. I envisioned this as a tool to boost performance, particularly for those operating in high-altitude environments.

This idea stems from my personal experience attending a semester school in Colorado, where I spent four months in the highest city in America. I dealt with altitude sickness and muscle cramps during extended hiking trips, which gave me firsthand insight into the challenges of low oxygen levels. While in Colorado, I noticed a product called Boost Oxygen, which sparked the thought that integrating such technology into a helmet could be even more effective and practical.

To align with its intended use for extreme sports, I aim to make the helmet aerodynamic, incorporating sleek and functional design elements. 

10 tangible people/places/things that are associated with the purpose of your project

Boost Oxygen 

Mountain Biking Helmet 

Gas Mask 


Mountain/ High Elevation 

Ski Helmet 

Ski Goggles 

Sky Diving 

Rock Climbing 


Research Step 2: Borrow a strategy

(David Mesguich, Egoism 1.0)

I plan to draw inspiration from the cubist aesthetic, incorporating harsh edges and angular forms to give the design a unique and modern appearance.

Research Step 3: Create sketches

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