“Since at least the 18th century (in French and German as well as English), grotesque has come to be used as a general adjective for the strange, mysterious, magnificent, fantastic, hideous, ugly, incongruous, unpleasant, or disgusting, and thus is often used to describe weird shapes and distorted forms such as Halloween masks. In art, performance, and literature, however, grotesque may also refer to something that simultaneously invokes in an audience a feeling of uncomfortable bizarreness as well as sympathetic pity.” (from Wikipedia)

Google image search of “grotesques”.
Step 1) Draw a few sketches of grotesque faces.
Step 2) Watch Prof Meiser’s youtube introductory video on how to sculpt in Zbrush, and the video on making an example grotesque face.
Step 3) Sculpt a grotesque face of your own in Zbrush.
Upload images of your sketches and finished Zbrush sculpt to the PUBLIC class website.